Friday, December 9, 2011

Pastel stuff perspective stuff boring stuff

For this piece of art Mr.Sands put out bottles and fruit and asked us to draw it with oil pastel. I found this quite boring as we have already been able to do this.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

For this project we took a picture of the Wendys logo and recreated it with different words to describe the picture then drew it on boxes and projected it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

For the oil pastel project we took a picture of somebody important to us, in this case myself, and made them into pastel drawings. I was the last person to finish my project and I hope I did a good job on it.

For the Brick Mosiac project we took a photoshopped picture from the internet of an animal and converted them into pixels. For my Pixel project I made a eagle on the wall out of pixels. Mr.Sands destroyed my project though so we had to fix it by drawing it out instead. This project took at least 3 hour and 30 minute periods to do.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

For the Mud Shading project we would trace a famous picture then pierce them with a toothpick. Then we would go over it with chalk on the sidewalk and it should create a picture. Then we had to just shade in the project and it created a picture on the ground.

For Art 1 class we took a picture of somebody else and had to trace the picture on tracing paper. We used all kinds of shapes for the details so we could shade different kinds of lights and darks.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This is the Casette project we did for Art One. We used Casette tape over our tracings and glued them to this board.

The Zaligator is a combination drawing of the tiger/zebra/aligator that we did for Art Class

Shadow Art Project: For the shadow art project we projected shadows onto the wall using strings to hang figutres from the ceiling. For this project we used a piece of paper as a stage and 3 Stick Figures to create a rock concert. The picture used to be a trio on a flying carpet but we scrapped that idea.